Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Week 9

How far along? 9 Weeks!

How big is the peanut? Baby is the size of a green olive

Total weight gain/loss? None so far

Maternity clothes? Sad to say at only 9 weeks, but yes!... My mom sent me a box of some maternity basics and I have been living in them! I know it is really early, but my stomach is so swollen that my regular pants haven't fit for a while. Also I have a lot of lower abdominal discomfort (everything stretching and growing in there) so any pressure from clothing makes me miserable! My favorite item of clothing is my long flowing empire waist dress. It is the most comfortable thing ever right now! I wear it several times a week lol Yesterday I got my first belly band so hopefully that will help out!

Sleep? YES PLEASE! Can't get enough of it. I am still so tired ALL the time!

Best moment this week? We got our first baby item (besides the nursery furniture) Kevin's mom sent us some baby booties. (Harley-Davidson of course!) They are so teeny tiny and adorable! I can't believe how tiny little baby feet are!

Symptoms? sleepy all the time, waves of nausea occasionally, stomach discomfort, swollen tummy

Food cravings? None really

Food aversions? Changes from moment to moment... I have a lot. The WORST food right now is garlic. At work we serve a Roasted Garlic Aioli, so in order to make it they have to roast large batches of garlic. The smell is so strong that I am miserably sick the entire time. I have to stand near the front of the restaurant and literally hold my breath when i go into the kitchen to avoid getting sick. It has ruined garlic for me... Kevin made some garlic pasta at home and just looking at it made me sick!

Gender? Not a clue... so many women have an intuition but I am still clueless... I would be thrilled to have a boy or a girl I truly don't care! Kevin is convinced that it is a girl though. We wont know until week 20!

What I miss? Sushi and margaritas (probably not together lol)

What I'm looking forward to? our next doctor's appointment. (3 weeks)

Milestones? Baby has gone from an EMBRYO to a FETUS! Basically, this means that baby has developed all of its organs and body parts and will now be focused on growing and developing for life on the outside!

Bump? May not look like much but it feels like a huge difference to me! (P.S. These are my new maternity clothes lol)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 8 - First Doctor's Appointment!

We had our first doctor's appointment Tuesday and everything went GREAT!
Our baby's first picture....

I almost feel bad saying this, but I think he/she looks like a tiny little gummy bear! (I mean obviously in the most adorable way!) We were so excited to see our little one. you can see eyes, and arms and legs... awesome! We also got to hear the heartbeat (170 by the way). I cried a little it was so incredible! Doctor said everything looks to be right on track. Mom and baby both look good. We go back for the next checkup in 4 weeks.

Official due date: March 3, 2015

Ever since we found out we were pregnant, Kevin has been searching online for pricing ideas to start budgeting. He has been watching Craigslist to get ideas about what we are going to be able to get used. Basically just gathering different ideas for how we are going to get everything we need. Well, the other day he was on Craigslist bright and early in the morning and saw an add for an entire four piece nursery set for only $100!! Now, I know we are really early in our pregnancy, but this is a deal we couldn't pass up! We meet the guy and got it! We are 8 weeks pregnant and already have the entire nursery furnished for $100! Dresser, Changing table (with drawers for storage), glider, and crib. They are all matching, well made and in great condition! The guy had 3 kids, they were done and he wanted it out of his house. The chair or dresser alone could have sold for more then $100... How lucky are we?! I love it!

This has obviously been a very exciting week for us! I have been feeling pretty good. I am very tired all of the time and I have waves of nausea here and there, but really nothing too bad. I have become used to the bloating so I am not as miserable anymore! We announced on Facebook that we are expecting and had a lot of wonderful feedback. All in all life is pretty wonderful right now! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

~ Seven Weeks ~

Seven weeks already! Less then one week until our doctor's appointment! We can not wait to see our baby!! This week has been the same as the last few. I am constantly exhausted, bloated and experiencing waves of nausea. I can't go grocery shopping anymore... my food aversions are too bad! Simply looking at certain foods makes me feel sick so the store was very overwhelming for my tummy! I have been experiencing headaches this week pretty bad. I feel dizzy and headache when I stand up too quickly. I have read online that it can be caused by dehydration. This is so crazy to me because I have been drinking three times as much water as I normally do! It is amazing how much water baby needs!! I am going to just have to step it up even more!!

Overall, despite all of the negative symptoms we are so excited that I can't stand it! I keep thinking of all of the fun things that I already love to do and realizing how much more fun it will be with children! Christmas morning, trips to the zoo, sitting on the porch outside.... the list goes on and on. I just imagine a little boy catching bugs or a little girl seeing zoo animals for the first time. I can't wait to make arts and crafts, and play pretend... I know all of this is a ways away but it is so neat to think about how our lives are changing forever!

The more that Kevin and I discuss being parents, the more I feel completely certain that he will be a wonderful father. I know he is so excited... He is already looking at family friendly cars, and planning a budget, thinking about how we can re-arrange the house to have a play room, etc. We have always made such a great team, I know that we will be awesome together raising this little one!

Anyway... I am keeping this post fairly short because I know that next week I will have a LOT to say after our doctor's appointment!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


How far along? SIX WEEKS!

How big is the peanut? The size of a sweet pea! Baby is .25 inches and will double in size again next week. Baby is pumping his/her own blood and developing nose, ears, eyes, chin and cheeks. Baby is already beginning to move his/her hands and feet!

Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I have used a drawstring to expand the waist of my pants to help be more comfortable with the bloating. I also loosened my belt a notch.

Sleep? I am sleeping fine, still waking up to use the restroom every night. I am also tired ALL THE TIME! I find my self trying to take naps whenever I can.

Best moment this week? Every moment has been special. It is so exciting to think about the nursery, how we plan to parent this little one, watching Kevin figuring up a budget plan... it is all so wonderful! One of my favorite things is to get a text or note from Kevin asking "how is my baby doing...? (Usually a nickname for me) and how are you too?" lol

Symptoms? I am tired all the time this week. My eyes burn from the time when I first wake up! Everyday at work people ask me "are you okay? you look exhausted?" at least 2 or 3 times a shift! I am smiling and acting normal, however I guess I must look pale from the extra blood flow so people worry something is wrong! I also have waves of nausea throughout the day that typically last about 30-45 minutes. REALLY sucks when it happens to me at work. Crackers are my best friend right now!! Breast tenderness is constant, but so far not a whole lot of moodiness. Despite feeling like a nauseated blimp most of the time, I am so blissfully happy all the time! :)

Food Cravings? None yet

Food Aversions? Changes from moment to moment. Typically anything cheesy, or fried, of full of sugar/fat looks terrible to me. I begin to think about the excess bloating and the thought of eating it truly makes me nauseous. I have been eating small bits of fruits, veggies, grilled chicken, rice, turkey burgers, salad, etc. I did have one day where I was ate pizza, a slice of cake, AND and fried chicken wrap in the same day! Honestly I hope I continue to feel the desire to eat healthy... it is a pretty good craving to have!

What I miss? Feeling "normal" ...but it is worth it. It is frustrating to not have your typical sensations for hunger, tiredness, etc. I feel confused about what my body is doing/ feeling 98% of the time! lol I know that I will adjust and get used to it somewhat. This is a huge change!

What I am most looking forward to? The doctors visit! How am I ever going to wait 2 weeks!! I just want to hear him say that the baby is healthy. I am still convinced that it is twins even though there is only a 1 in 89 chance of that happening... so anxious to see if I am right! I can not wait to tell everyone! Sometimes I worry I am going to be too sick at work that I will have to spill the beans! Just have to make it through 10 more shifts......!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Today we found out that we are PREGNANT!

Exciting news... we are going to have a baby! 

I decided to start this blog as a way for our friends and family to keep up with the details of our pregnancy without overwhelming everyone on social media! I will use this blog to post belly pictures, updates from the doctor, and my general well being as mommy! So here goes...

How far along?: I am 5 weeks. This is so strange to me... Baby was conceived 3 weeks ago but apparently you are considered 2 weeks at the time of conception.... strange.

How big is the peanut?: approximately the size of a sesame seed. So strange to think about! The baby has already formed brain and spinal cord which are currently visible through it's translucent skin. Baby is also developing a heartbeat now! 

Total weight gain/loss?: None to speak of yet however my belly is incredibly bloated!! This was one of my pregnancy symptoms... I have been bloated for about two weeks! I seriously feel like a whale which is crazy because it is way to early to be complaining about that! I know that your metabolism slows to allow nutrition to get to the baby which causes bloating. 

Maternity clothes? No way, but my pants are snug from the bloat... hoping this goes away!

Sleep? I have woken up in the middle of the night having to use the restroom all week which is very unusual for me. Another symptom that lead me to believe I might be preggo! Other then that I am sleeping fine :)

Best moment this week? I woke up at 6am this morning and had to use the restroom (AGAIN) I have had breast tenderness and on and off cramping (exactly like menstrual) with no sign of my period. The thought of pregnancy was beginning to weigh on my mind so I figured I would just take an at home test to clear my mind of worry so I could go back to sleep. (I knew that the test was most accurate when you first wake up) I fully expected it to be negative, thinking all my symptoms could very easily just be my period! As I was still taking the test it turned instantly to a positive! I immediately woke up Kevin (with no grace of any kind) adrenaline pumping, telling him the good news. Poor guy was woken from a dead sleep scared half to death! I am still in shock!

Symptoms? Breast tenderness for the past two weeks, constant bloating, on and off menstrual-like cramps, frequent urination, missed period

Food cravings? None yet

Food aversions? None other than avoiding any foods that would make me feel more bloated (mostly salty or fried foods) 

Gender? No idea. My gut says twins though. Strangest thing, but I can not shake the feeling that there are 2 in there... guess we will see!

I have an appointment with my OBGYN on July 22nd. At this point I will be 8 weeks so they will be able to do an ultrasound. I can not wait!