Tuesday, October 28, 2014

22 Weeks + My thoughts on birthing.

22 Weeks!

Bryson is about 11 inches and finally hit the one-pound mark! He is sprouting hair on his head that is bright white (no pigment for now). He is developing his sense of touch, sight, and hearing. He practices his sense of touch by holding a grip onto the umbilical cord. His sense of sight is getting more developed and he can perceive light through his closed eyelids, such as a flashlight shinning on my belly. He can hear my voice, heartbeat, gurgling stomach, and the whoosh-whoosh of blood circulating through my body.

I have started doing a lot of research about birth. I want to be as informed as possible so when the time comes I can make educated decisions as different situations may arise. I plan to have an un-medicated hospital birth which I am really excited about! I read "The Birth Book" by William and Martha Sears and I highly recommend it to anyone who is expecting a baby! It taught me so much about my birthing options and helped me get a better idea of what I want vs. the scary, painful image that I have always had in my mind.

Basically what I have learned is that fear and tension increase and cause pain. The uterine muscles have very few pain receptors and can contract and relax without causing pain. Pain comes from causing muscles to work in a way they are not designed to. Pain is also felt in the tissues around the uterus as you tense up your body. If a woman is scared, or "bracing" herself for the oncoming contraction it causes her to tense muscles which causes other muscles to over-work. This imbalance exhausts the muscles causing more pain. Fear also creates pain-inducing hormones that release into your body as well.

My take away from all of this... RELAX. I believe that if I can relax my mind and body I can allow my abdominal muscles to work as they are meant to and trust that my body knows what to do. I believe that pain has a purpose. If I feel pain, it is a sign to move or readjust my body. This makes contractions more bearable for me, but it also benefits the baby to allow him to change positions, rotating to find an easier way out. Women who are numbed with an epidural can't feel those unphysiologic signals to move and laying still tends to slow the process down. We are built as women to do this and when our bodies send us signals we should listen!

So what do I plan to do? I want to walk, use a birthing ball, take a shower/bath... just MOVE as my body sees fit. I want to keep a calm environment with low lights, and music. I plan to use breathing and meditation to relax my body. I am surprisingly very interested in hypnobirthing! If you haven't heard of this (I hadn't either) you may think it sounds crazy. The idea of hypnotizing makes us all think of some cheesy magic show with a pocket watch swinging before your eyes and people barking like a dog on stage! lol It is NOTHING like that!

What they call hypnosis can be compared to being really interested in a television show that you "zone in" to a point that you feel an emotional response to the characters, or the way that you drive yourself home from work on "auto pilot" without thinking about it. It is basically just becoming really focused on relaxation techniques. This is something you practice throughout your pregnancy (basically meditating) and you become more familiar with it. Eventually you are able to "meditate" or go into a relaxed state more quickly. When you are in labor, you should be able to go in and out of this relaxed state as contractions come and go. You are fully aware of everything going on around you. You can hear and talk as you choose, or you can tune it out during a big contraction to focus only on relaxing your body so that you are not "fighting against" the contraction but rather allowing your body to do what it is naturally meant to do.

I want to buy the cd's and start practicing on my own! The reviews online are overwhelmingly positive from any website/blog that I have seen! If it doesn't work for me, it didn't hurt anything to try! I will be in a hospital full of drugs to fall back on if needed! Honestly I think it is worth it simply for the confidence that it builds alone! I am going into this feeling like I can do it! I am excited, whereas a lot of woman feel that birth is something they simply have to endure. Women for years have used Lamaze, The Bradly Method, breathing techniques, etc. I just see this as another approach which has been shown to work! Plus, practicing will help me stay relaxed throughout my pregnancy which is great, and has been said to help women to sleep better during their pregnancy as well!

Hopefully I can get the cd's soon. I will keep you all updated about how it is going. I am waiting a while to try and find them used for a good price. The set I want is fairly expensive. The good news is that whenever I am done with them they are really easy to re-sell and get some of that expense back!

If you are curious to find out any more info on hypnobirthing, here are a few links...

This is a youtube "sample" of some other company's relaxation program. This is NOT the one I want to purchase, but it is a free sample of something very similar to what I am talking about. This will give you a general idea of what the cd's are like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOEWGiiy5sw

This is the program that I plan to buy... http://www.hypnobabies-store.com/Products-Home-Study-Courses.html

And this is the original Hypnobirting website that started the whole thing. I read the entire book by Marie Mongan (the creator of the program) and was very inspired! http://www.hypnobirthing.com/

Anyway, here are some belly pictures this week!...

My new maternity swimsuit- I love it!

My belly button starting to poke out at the top. LOL! I am definitely going to have an outie before long!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

21 Weeks.

I am officially over the half way hump... 21 Weeks! Only 19 weeks, or 131 days to go! CRAZY! Bryson is about three-quarters of a pound and is about 10.5 inches long, about the size of a carrot. This week he has fully formed eyelids, along with eyebrows and eye lashes! He is swallowing amniotic fluid and breathing small amounts into his lungs as practice for the outside world.

This week we started getting some things going for the nursery! Here are some updated pictures of the progress we have made so far....

We got a really nice blue area rug that really brightens the entire room. (I could only get half of the room in one picture lol)
 Dumbo curtains are super cute! (Thanks Nana!)
 Lots of small details like dumbo changing pad cover
 Dumbo sheets, pillow, and thanks to Nana, we have crib bumpers! (We are still planning to get the matching comforter and fuzzy blue blanket)
 Pictures are all finished and colored, we have ordered the frames- just waiting for them to arrive so I can mat the pictures and hang them.
 And finally, I made this to hang. It is the lyrics to the lullaby that Mrs. Jumbo sings to Dumbo in the movie when she is cradling him in her trunk through the bars of the cage. This is the sweetest song with many good lyrics but I just selected a tiny portion for this artwork.
 Jolene is taking advantage of still being the baby of the house while it lasts! LOL Such a Daddy's girl! They were just laying like that watching T.V. together before they looked up for the photo.

Not much to say this week. I have been feeling fine. Headaches are much less frequent, I am sleeping good, some lower back and feet aching but nothing too bad. I have had a lot of people ask me about my pregnancy while out and about. It is still so exciting to me every time someone notices that I am pregnant! Bryson moves all the time. It seems that every few hours I feel some squirming! I found some maternity jeans that are available in "long" so I finally have pants that fit. Overall, life is good!

We created a new baby registry for anyone who is interested. The website BabyList is a universal registry service that allows you to add products from any online store all on one list. Much more convenient! The website compares prices from multiple stores to show you the lowest price for each item! When you buy, the items will be purchased directly from the stores so you can still benefit from their free shipping deals. Here is a link...


If you have any trouble finding it, simply type "babyli.st" into your search bar and then you can easily search for my registry by my name: Jessica Wolz.

Baby bump-

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

20 Weeks - Halfway mark!

How far along? 20 WEEKS! This is the halfway mark for a typical 40 week pregnancy! YAY

How big is the peanut? The size of a banana! He weighs about 10.5 ounces and measures 10 inches from head to heel.

Total weight gain/loss? 10 pounds! This is right on track for 20 weeks.

Maternity clothes? Yes I have just about given up the struggle with the belly band!! I have been having a really hard time finding maternity pants that are long enough for my long legs. For now I am just wearing capri length maternity pants lol. Good thing I live in Florida and it is warm enough for that!

Sleep? So far so good! Feeling a lot more kicks at night but they are not strong enough to keep me awake or even wake me up. I am sure that could be an issue later on as he gets bigger and stronger. 

Best moment this week? There were a lot of awesome moments this week! I had 2 different tables at work ask me how far along I was/ if I was expecting. This made my day! I have been anxious to start "showing" for a long time. I have been in that in-between phase where I might just look fat and not pregnant to strangers. I am finally looking like I am for sure pregnant! I was overly excited about this! To be honest... I think that those people had a lot of guts to ask! I would never ask a woman if she was pregnant unless it was VERY obvious for fear of offending her if she was not! 

Another great moment this week was last night when Kevin felt a teeny tiny kick for the first time! I made him sit with his hand resting on my belly for like 5 minutes until he felt it! lol As soon as he kicked I asked "did you feel it?" and he said yes and pointed to the exact spot where I had felt it too. So exciting! Bryson has been moving like CRAZY for the past 2 weeks but this was the first time Kevin could feel him!

This whole week has been one of the best weeks of my pregnancy so far. It has been so exciting to say "Him, He, Bryson" etc. when referring to our little one! We can finally shop for nursery items and clothing which is awesome. I feel a whole new bond with him now that I can fully picture what it will be like to have a little boy!

We bought our first outfit for Bryson today-

SO CUTE! Hehe!

Symptoms? Some headaches still but not too terrible. I had some aching/tightness in my tailbone for a few days and I have started noticing that my feet are a little achy. I also have an itchy belly! lol My skin is starting to stretch and it itches!

Food cravings/aversions? None really...

Gender? BOY BOY BOY!

Belly button in or out? In... but defiantly not looking like MY normal belly button! I don't recognize this belly button! LOL

What I miss? Having jeans that fit in the waist/butt/and legs all at the same time!

What i'm looking forward to? Going home to KC next month, seeing Bryson again on our next ultrasound

Milestones? I made it halfway!


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It's a BOY!!!! 19 Weeks

We are happy to announce that we are expecting a baby boy! Bryson Paul Wolz! Check out our Facebook announcement... (I am pretty proud of my crafty work!)

Everything looked great during the ultrasound. Bryson is measuring at 19 weeks and 3 days. (I am exactly 19 weeks today) His heartbeat is 155 and he weighs 9 ounces. She said that everything looks healthy including spine, brain and heart. It was incredible to watch his little heart beating! He had his head down super low and would not move! She spent about 20 minutes trying to get him to lift his face to look at her but he would not cooperate! We got some awesome profile views but that only shows half of his face. The ultrasound tech was not able to check his face for cleft lip so she said we will just have to have another ultrasound at our next appointment. Good for me... more pictures of my little man! lol We could see him swallowing so even if he happens to have cleft lip, his mouth is obviously functioning so I am not too worried. 

The doctor told us that there are some spots on his brain that are likely common cysts. He said not to worry, that it is very common and they usually go away. He said it is possible that they are a sign of something more serious such as down syndrome but since my blood work was all normal and tested negative for down syndrome he is pretty sure that is not the case. They will check his brain again during the next ultrasound to be safe. 

Some pictures of our little guy!....


Mouth open-

Profile with his right hand by his face-


BOY no doubt about that!-

Baby Bump-