Monday, March 30, 2015

4 Weeks

I can't believe that it has been almost a month!

Here is a run down of how our days typically go... During the day Bryson eats, stays awake for about 30 min-an hour, looking around at EVERYTHING, then he either acts hungry again and I feed him until he passes out, or he starts to act sleepy and I put him in his swing. He will lightly fuss off and on for about 5 minutes in the swing until he falls asleep. He sleeps until it has been 3 hours since his last feeding and he wakes up to repeat the process again. 

At night he wakes every three hours to eat. He will nurse and almost always passes out on my lap. I quickly and quietly change his diaper (I am forced to change him AFTER his feeding because he insists on only pooping WHILE he eats! LOL), trying not to disturb him as best I can, and then I lay him back in the bassinet to sleep for another 3 hours. 

He can clearly tell the difference between night and day because he rarely tries to stay awake during the night. I think that without the lights and noise he realizes that it is time for sleep. Such a good baby! 

This of course varies all the time. Sometimes he wants to stay awake for a few hours and then is SO overly tired that it is hell getting him to sleep, or sometimes he wakes up to eat every hour and a half for no apparent reason for one or two nights. Generally though, he sticks to his routine majority of the time. 

Bryson has almost completely outgrown his newborn clothes. He only has a couple of newborn outfits that fit anymore :( I couldn't even zip up the outfit that he came home from the hospital in! Little man is getting so big!! He is wearing size 0-3 month size clothes now!

Here are some pictures from this week! Looking forward to Easter next week... baby's first holiday! (unless you count St. Patricks day lol)


Wearing Mizzou for Daddy!

Bryson LOVES bath time. Look at that round BELLY!

He likes to sleep in weird positions... looks familiar LOL! (Kevin is the one on the right)

Tummy time with Daddy.

Milk Coma!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

3 Weeks!

I can not believe that it has been 3 weeks! It is going by so fast!! This week was a bit of a learning experience... Bryson went through a bit of a growth spurt. Basically everything that I had learned to soothe him went right out the window and we had to learn a whole new way of doing things! I guess that is how it goes being a mom. Just when you think you have it figured out... it changes! 

He was extra fussy for a few days. He seemed SO overly tired, but wouldn't fall asleep! If he did fall asleep, he would wake up 30 minutes later! He spent an entire day and night wanting to eat every 1-2 hours... I felt like he was crying constantly no matter what I did! Poor baby! Thank goodness that has passed now. I felt so bad because I knew that he was just growing and feeling things he has never experienced before. He didn't know how to handle to way he was feeling and I couldn't make it better! I just did my best to let him know he was safe and loved by holding him. 

At one point he kept acting hungry but when I would nurse him he just wanted to suck for comfort. He would pull away and spit the milk out over and over. He was crying and hollering like he was annoyed that all that milk was interfering with his soothing! I decided to try and give him a pacifier... TERRIBLE IDEA!

He could not sleep with the pacifier! As soon as he would dose off, the paci would fall out of his mouth and it would startle him awake. Exactly 3 seconds later he was screaming and wide awake! Eventually he got so tired that he couldn't figure out how to properly suck the pacifier. He had his mouth on it and just kept shaking his head around crying like he forgot how to suck! I had to take it away and then it was hell trying to get him to forget about it and rock him to sleep! This repeated several times before I decided that he was not ready for the pacifier!! 

We did get this adorable picture though! So sweet!!

All said and done, we learned some new ways to soothe him, and he grew like a weed overnight! He is back to his normal sleep schedule and temperament now thank goodness! It was a long couple of days! Apparently I can expect another spurt like that around 7 weeks as well... poor baby! 

I got a couple of videos for you guys...

Trying to fall asleep but his hiccups are keeping him awake!

Bryson LOVES tummy time. He is trying to crawl! He gets so frustrated that he can't move! Hard to believe that he is a newborn!

My baby is getting so big already! This comparison shows how his face is filling out! Look at those CHEEKS! (2 days vs. 3 weeks)

I swear he grew overnight! BIG BOY! :)

Bryson is looking more and more like his Daddy everyday! Check out this comparison with his baby photo! Haha!

A bunch of random photos just for fun!

No I am not sleepy at all.....! LOL

First time wearing shoes :)

That face melts my heart... :(

I can almost button my pre-pregnancy jeans! I am using the "hair tie trick" for now! lol
(don't mind my stretch marks... yikes!) I ended up with a lot more then I expected! Most of them didn't show up until after my stomach started retracting. Hopefully they will fade/lighten over time. If not, I will just consider them my Mommy badge of honor :)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

2 Weeks

I have decided to update this blog every Thursday since that was the day of the week Bryson was born. That way I can give true weekly updates. I am sure that I will slow down to monthly updates at some point, but for now I will stick to weekly :) 

Eventually I will stop posting SO many pictures... maybe..... lol 

Bryson is 2 weeks old today. The time has flown by! Our little baby is already getting so big! We went to the pediatrician today for his check up and he has gained weight! Typically, by 2 weeks they expect for baby to be back up to his birth weight... our baby is nearly a pound and a half over his birth weight! He weighs 9 lbs 10 oz! I am so happy to know that he is getting enough milk and growing healthy! He is in the 81 percentile! LOL He is now 21 inches (1.25 inches gained since birth)

I am feeling so great about being a mommy! I feel like I am really getting the hang of this! I have become really good at determining what he needs, and keeping him happy and content. He is such a good baby! The only time he is fussy is when he gets overly tired. Otherwise, he only communicates when he needs something, and I can quickly take care of it without much fuss at all. When he gets really sleepy, he sometimes tries to fight it and I have to let him cry it out a bit and wear himself out. Usually though, a good feeding is enough to knock him right out!

When he is awake, he is so alert and curious about the world around him. He loves to look at faces, pictures on the wall, anything he can focus his little eyes on! He has gotten much better at diaper changes as well. 

I am only 14 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight! Recovery has been fairly easy and I am feeling pretty much back to normal. I love not having to run to the restroom every 30 minutes! I forgot what that was like!! LOL. I have also really enjoyed sleeping on my stomach when I can... unfortunately, it is usually still uncomfortable when breasts are swollen with milk! I ended up with many more stretch marks then I expected. I had a few pop up in the final weeks, but most of the ones I ended up with I could not see until the skin was no longer stretched! They are flesh colored, not red, making them less noticeable. Hopefully they will fade somewhat. If not, no big deal. They are not too bad. I consider them my badge of honor :) I gained 42 pounds all in my belly... it was to be somewhat expected! 

I loved being pregnant, but I am definitely enjoying feeling "normal" again! I am still adjusting to the hormonal changes a bit, and I wake up several times in the night with night sweats... yuck. Hoping that will pass soon...! All in all I am doing great!

Now, more pictures!

Uncle Anthony bought this onsie that says "Coolest Nephew Ever" lol

Sleepy time with Grandpa

Bryson LOVES tummy time! He is so strong! Look at how he lifts his neck! He uses his arms and legs to push himself up. He can even lift his chest off the ground! Little boy is ready to try and crawl at 2 weeks!! It is crazy!

So stinkin' CUTE!

Bryson fighting sleep... NO he isn't sleepy at all...! LOL

Pouty Lip!

Selfie with Bryson

Mommy 2 weeks postpartum

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Pictures from week 2

I know it may be picture overload, but I can not help it! He is so darn cute!! I want to remember every single second! 

Milk Coma!

Professional hospital photos- I love these!

Bryson LOVES tummy time! He is so strong... he loves to look at everything! Check out that head of hair!!

Grandpa and Uncle Anthony came to visit this week!

I caught a smile!

Snuggles with Daddy

This is where Bryson spends most of his time! LOL I love that my body can provide the nutrients that he needs to grow!

Mitten hands

This swing is the best thing ever! Just ask Bryson, he will tell you! lol