Little man is 6 weeks today. I don't know how it is possible, but he just keeps getting more adorable each week!! LOL He fits three month clothing perfectly. According to our home scale he weighs exactly 12 pounds (while wearing a onsie and diaper). Of course our scale is not 100% accurate... but it is pretty darn close!
Bryson has been smiling all week. Cutest thing ever! Haven't gotten a good picture yet. I will work on it, but to be honest I am usually too busy soaking in that sweet little smirk! He has also been making noises more often this week. Little "ahh" or "coo" sounds. I just love to hear his sweet voice! He has figured out that the pouty face gets him whatever he wants, because he does that a lot more now too! After being awake for a while he will start to get tired and will begin pouting and leaning his head back. It is seriously the cutest thing ever!
Yes, I am aware that I said his smile and his pout are both the "cutest thing ever"... lol It is a tie I suppose!
We re-introduced the pacifier and it went a lot better this time. One day he was really fussy. I went through the checklist, he was feed, dry, burped, held, rocked, bounced, swaddled... no matter what I did he was just cranky! I gave him the paci because I was out of ideas! He fell asleep with it in his mouth for the first time and didn't wake when it eventually fell out. We have since used it a few times with the same result.
I am trying to only use it when he is extra fussy to hopefully avoid having a child with a pacifier glued in his mouth non-stop! For example, one morning he was gassy and wouldn't stop fussing (it was breaking my heart!) We patted his back, tried every position I could think of, did bicycle legs, etc... but it wasn't helping. I gave him gas drops and a pacifier to help him self-soothe while waiting for it to pass. It actually helped him to feel some comfort and stop crying until the gas passed!
It actually takes a bit of a weight off of my shoulders to know that I have a "back up plan" as I call it. For example, I am taking it with us to the doctor's office today. (My postpartum check up- Kevin will be at work so I have baby) If he begins to get antsy in his seat while the doctor is examining me, I know that I can use the pacifier for that short time until I am able to pick him up. It makes me feel less nervous about taking him out!
Now for some pictures!
His arms and legs are a blur in half of the pictures I take... he loves to wave his arms, and REALLY loves to kick his legs like crazy! (Particularly during tummy time. He seriously wants to crawl!) He has really strong legs! If I lay him on my lap, he will kick off my belly and could easily push himself off! I have to keep a hold of him!
He was sleeping in this photo, he just opened his eyes for a moment when he heard the camera snap lol
This is his favorite way to fall asleep... laying on Mommy or Daddy's chest while rocking in the glider.
I was trying to catch a smile. He loves to smile at Daddy's silly faces
Playing with Daddy. Super baby
Pacifier :)
Best place in the world to be :)
"Mom, seriously, I am not tired!"
"I am not tired at all.... zzzzzzzz" LOL
P.S. He is in just a diaper because he gets hot so easily! Most babies need to be wrapped and bundled up all the time, but he gets sweaty and hot in just one layer of clothing :( I am kind of obsessed with checking his temperature. I am always feeling his face and neck to make sure he isn't hot or cold. I also worry constantly about making sure his toes aren't cold! Lol I don't know why, but I am seriously always worried about his socks lol I am going to go crazy when he discovers how to pull them off himself!