Tuesday, October 14, 2014

20 Weeks - Halfway mark!

How far along? 20 WEEKS! This is the halfway mark for a typical 40 week pregnancy! YAY

How big is the peanut? The size of a banana! He weighs about 10.5 ounces and measures 10 inches from head to heel.

Total weight gain/loss? 10 pounds! This is right on track for 20 weeks.

Maternity clothes? Yes I have just about given up the struggle with the belly band!! I have been having a really hard time finding maternity pants that are long enough for my long legs. For now I am just wearing capri length maternity pants lol. Good thing I live in Florida and it is warm enough for that!

Sleep? So far so good! Feeling a lot more kicks at night but they are not strong enough to keep me awake or even wake me up. I am sure that could be an issue later on as he gets bigger and stronger. 

Best moment this week? There were a lot of awesome moments this week! I had 2 different tables at work ask me how far along I was/ if I was expecting. This made my day! I have been anxious to start "showing" for a long time. I have been in that in-between phase where I might just look fat and not pregnant to strangers. I am finally looking like I am for sure pregnant! I was overly excited about this! To be honest... I think that those people had a lot of guts to ask! I would never ask a woman if she was pregnant unless it was VERY obvious for fear of offending her if she was not! 

Another great moment this week was last night when Kevin felt a teeny tiny kick for the first time! I made him sit with his hand resting on my belly for like 5 minutes until he felt it! lol As soon as he kicked I asked "did you feel it?" and he said yes and pointed to the exact spot where I had felt it too. So exciting! Bryson has been moving like CRAZY for the past 2 weeks but this was the first time Kevin could feel him!

This whole week has been one of the best weeks of my pregnancy so far. It has been so exciting to say "Him, He, Bryson" etc. when referring to our little one! We can finally shop for nursery items and clothing which is awesome. I feel a whole new bond with him now that I can fully picture what it will be like to have a little boy!

We bought our first outfit for Bryson today-

SO CUTE! Hehe!

Symptoms? Some headaches still but not too terrible. I had some aching/tightness in my tailbone for a few days and I have started noticing that my feet are a little achy. I also have an itchy belly! lol My skin is starting to stretch and it itches!

Food cravings/aversions? None really...

Gender? BOY BOY BOY!

Belly button in or out? In... but defiantly not looking like MY normal belly button! I don't recognize this belly button! LOL

What I miss? Having jeans that fit in the waist/butt/and legs all at the same time!

What i'm looking forward to? Going home to KC next month, seeing Bryson again on our next ultrasound

Milestones? I made it halfway!


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