Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ultrasound 13 Weeks, 1 Day

Ultrasound pictures of our little one!

We weren't scheduled to have another ultrasound until 20 weeks, however we had a surprise ultrasound yesterday! I had some unexpected bleeding which had me really scared, so we decided to make a special trip to the doctor to get everything checked out. Luckily everything looks great with both me and the baby thank goodness!

It is funny when you watch that show "I didn't know I was pregnant" and women claim that they had their period every month - you always think Yeah right! There is no way! Well there is a way lol! And it is so scary!

The doctor told me that some women have it every month and that it is nothing to worry about. Who knew? I had heard of spotting of course, however this is definitely more then that. The first thing that comes to mind when it happens if miscarriage of course so you instantly panic! I was just so relieved to see our baby kicking, and stretching!

To be honest, I have been a bit of an emotional wreck the last few days. I feel like no one told me how scary pregnancy was! I feel helpless, like I can't even feel the baby to know if it is okay. I just want to hold it, protect it, bubble wrap it or something to make sure it is fine! I wonder how I can make it another six months! I just want to have my little one here in my arms, and safe! My friend assured me that it is not the pregnancy that makes you worry... it is motherhood, and that I can expect to worry for the rest of my life! lol

The ultrasound helped me so much. Seeing the baby made it feel a little bit more "real". I could see with my own eyes that the baby has all of its arms and legs like it supposed to! And it was reassuring to know that he or she is growing right on track! I made it through the first trimester which is good! I am going to try and relax and just keep doing what I have been doing!

By the way, baby had a heart rate of 159, and was VERY active! Baby was moving and squirming around like crazy! If he or she stays that active, I will be feeling some movement sooner then later! It was still too early to tell the gender... darn! Boy and girl bits look pretty much the same at this point, they are mostly forming inside (ovaries or testes) and will be more developed on the outside in the next few weeks. We will hopefully get a clear shot at our scheduled 20 week ultrasound! Meanwhile, we have some new photos for the fridge! I mean look at how cute our baby is! lol Those tiny lips, and that little bitty nose!!! We are so in love already!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Week 13 - Hello Second Trimester!

How far along? 13 weeks!

How big is the peanut? The size of a peach! Almost 3 inches long, and developing vocal chords and tiny fingerprints!

Maternity clothes? Loving that belly band and my maternity tank tops!

Sleep? I tend to roll onto my stomach when I am sleeping which keeps waking me up because it has become uncomfortable! To solve this problem I bought a body pillow which I use between my knees. It keeps me laying on my side all night. I have been having a few crazy dreams... last night I dreamt I was having triplets! lol

Best moment this week? Not sure about the BEST, but an awkward moment this week was at work... I told a guest that I was expecting and he but his hands on my stomach and asked God to bless my baby! It was really awkward, and made me wonder how often people are going to awkwardly touch my belly over the next six months! lol

Symptoms? I am finally feeling better! I have been able to stay later at work then I have in a long time! It is SO nice to finally have a little energy back again! Definitely not back to normal, but much better! Still having regular headaches and dizziness and completely random waves of nausea. Grocery shopping is still nearly impossible due to food aversions.

Food cravings? I randomly crave different foods, never really the same thing more then once. When I do get the food I am craving, I swear it always tastes like the absolute best thing I have ever ate in my life! lol I am truly enjoying food more then I ever have before. It is so weird! Last night I was craving Asian style dumplings/ pot-stickers. They were SO DELICIOUS when I got some at an Asian restaurant. Other then that, I am still all about breakfast! I wake up starving, and I enjoy breakfast foods more then ever.

Food Aversions? Nothing specific. I just get really overwhelmed by the grocery store. I guess it is a mixture of so many different foods at once.

What I miss? My family!

What I am most looking forward to? Getting a belly! I am ready to start showing! Also, Halloween. I am already trying to come up with a creative pregnancy related Halloween costume!

Bump? Everyone is starting to comment a bit more about my bump. I have felt bloated like I just ate a huge Thanksgiving dinner since the day I found out I was pregnant! However, this week, people have been telling me that it looks bigger then a "bloat". I think my bump is starting to round out a bit more...

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week 12, Goodbye First Trimester!

Oh boy, I have a lot to talk about this week! Where to begin?

Well, the best part of my week was our doctor's appointment on Tuesday! We got to hear the heartbeat again. <3 The heart rate has slowed slightly from 171 to 160-something... (I forgot what the doctor said). Completely normal for this stage of development. The visit was pretty quick. They checked for heartbeat, asked how I was feeling, and since there were no concerns I was sent on my way... easy enough! Our little one is still cooking! He/She also kicked the monitor when they were listening to the heartbeat! Too bad I couldn't feel it yet! It was funny though, baby was basically telling the doctor "get off of me!" lol

Baby is 2 and half inches this week and the size of a large plum! I have been feeling better overall. I have a lot of dizziness and headaches lately but overall doing good! To be honest, a lot of times I don't even feel pregnant, I feel completely normal. I am ready to FEEL pregnant! I am ready to have a belly, be able to start feeling movement, etc! I am so anxious this week! I am doing my best to just enjoy each moment and try not to rush!

Earlier in the week, before our appointment I received a phone call from the doctor's office saying that they needed to "discuss the results of my tests." I immediately began to panic of course, because that is never a good sign! Turns out when they did a blood test to check for cystic fibrosis I tested positive as a carrier. I obviously do not have cystic fibrosis, I simply carry the gene. They said that they wanted to test Kevin. If he is also a carrier, then there is a chance that our baby could have the disease!

I began to get really worried! After talking to Kevin we realized that the odds of him also being a carrier are pretty low, and we found out that even if we are both carriers, there is only a 25% chance that the baby would have it anyway. If we tested Kevin and he was positive, the next step would be to test the baby. This involves sticking a needle into my BELLY to get a sample from the amniotic fluid! This is something I am NOT interested in doing! Although the risk is low, there IS a risk of causing miscarriage from performing the test! We have no desire to put the baby in ANY harm just to find out if they have a disease with only a 25% risk (that is if Kevin is even a carrier, which is unlikely).

Long story short, the odds are slim that our baby will have it, and the testing makes us uncomfortable so we are choosing not to test. Even if the baby has cystic fibrosis, it wouldn't change anything for us. We would not terminate the pregnancy based on this information. We have decided to try and not worry. Whatever will happen will happen. We will love our baby no matter what. If we find out that there is ANY problem at the time of birth, we will just deal with it as it comes. We have every reason to assume that our baby will be perfectly healthy!

Kevin and I started a few baby registry's! I know it is still really early, and most of the stuff we want to register for is gender specific so we will be waiting until after we find out the gender for many items. However, there are a lot of items that we want to keep gender neutral. If we ever have another baby in the future (which we hope to) we would like to be able to reuse many items such as stroller, baby swing, etc. This is one of the first grand babies for both sides of our family so we have grandparents who are anxious to start buying items for the little one! I am going to post the links to the registry's for them, and anyone who wants however, we do not expect any one to buy us anything! Honestly, we just had a lot of fun making them and getting a better idea of what we want and need! Many of the items on our registry and bigger, higher priced items simply because those are the things that we are keeping gender neutral! These are items that we plan to purchase eventually but do not expect anyone to buy for us. It is just nice to have a registry as a spot to keep track of what we plan to buy ourselves. If anyone has any suggestions of advice about things we should add, we would love ANY advice!  

If any of these links don't work, you can visit the store's website and click on "registry" then search by my name- Jessica Wolz Location- Pensacola Florida

Babies R US -



Tuesday, August 12, 2014


How far along? 11 Weeks

How big is the peanut? Baby is the size of a lime! 2 inches long and moving like crazy! Baby can stretch, somersault, and do forward rolls! Crazy to think that all of this is happening inside of me and I can not feel any of it!

Total weight gain/loss? Only a pound or so...

Maternity clothes? Same as before, none of my regular clothes fit properly especially after I eat. SUPER BLOATED. If I eat something salty... I am done. I had ONE piece of buffalo chicken pizza and felt so full that I couldn't eat another bite. It felt just like after a huge Thanksgiving dinner!

Sleep? Still sleepy quite often, but feeling a bit more energized then I have been

Best moment this week? I am not sure about the BEST, but a funny moment this week was when Kevin and I went to the beach... I tried on my strapless bikini top and oh boy... I was busting out! I tried my regular bikini top, and I was being squashed to death! I had to wear a triangle top bikini, It was the only thing I had that fits! Ha ha I didn't realize how much I had... uh... grown. 

Another funny moment this week was a conversation between me and Kevin. My emotions and hormones have been finally catching up to me a little bit. I have had a couple of "difficult" moments lately. Yesterday I was getting ready for work and EVERYTHING was going wrong. I spilled makeup on myself, my phone was dead, I had moth holes in my shirt, I couldn't find my belly band, etc... I began crying because, well, I was having a bit of an irrational breakdown. Kevin came in the room and said, "Well the good news is that this is almost over." I responded sarcastically with, "Yeah in another SEVEN MONTHS!" Then Kevin said, "No I mean you are about to leave the house!" I started laughing out loud! He meant that it was almost over for HIM because he was getting rid of me! lol What a butt head! But he did make me laugh!! 

Symptoms? I have had some serious headaches this week... no fun!

Food cravings? MEXICAN FOOD! yum! Chimichangas, flautas, quesadillas, tacos, really anything smothered in queso!! YUM! Also, I feel like my taste buds are heightened. Although I don't crave certain foods, whenever I am eating them they taste better then ever. For example, I was eating some gummy bears and could not stop thinking how delicious they were. I have never had a more delicious candy in my life! lol. Don't even get me started about the glazed doughnut that I had yesterday. lol

Food aversions? Changes from moment to moment Aversions have been MUCH better then before, and don't last long. For example, one minute the thought of a burger, or any kind of beef made me feel sick and then an hour later i was eating a beef taco and loving it! There is no logic whatsoever... pregnancy is weird... lol

Gender? I secretly think it is a girl... but then again I feel like it could be a boy... hmmm

What I miss? Nothing really right now...

What I am looking forward to? Hearing the heartbeat again next week :)

Milestones? Almost done with the first trimester, started having food cravings this week.


Another present from my mother in law. Ha ha starting 'em out young! Kevin loves it of course! Too cute...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

TEN WEEKS - Nursery Ideas

Ten weeks already! I can't believe I only have a couple more weeks before my first trimester is over! Overall, I think I have done really well this trimester. Same old, same old here this week. Small waves of nausea, tired all the time, bloated, and headaches but nothing too severe. I am so excited about second trimester! I am ready to have a belly, start feeling energized again for a while, and find out the gender! I am already dying to know! How am I going to wait 10 more weeks??? 

This past week was funny because I was craving broccoli and cheese soup, Egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches, scrambled eggs, and milk. (I could not get enough milk! Seriously it tastes like candy to me right now! lol) Then I read online that this week is especially important for calcium. Baby is growing teeth under it's gums and continuing to harden bones this week. I thought it was funny that I was craving calcium rich foods (milk, eggs, cheese, broccoli) without realizing why! Funny how your body knows what it needs even when you don't realize!

I have been working a little bit on the dumbo nursery. For some reason I always pick an idea that is the hardest thing to find! I haven't been able to find any dumbo bedding that I like but I did find this fabric at Joanne's that I thought I could use to make some... or at least a few pillows! I feel like this would only work for a boy's room though. Either way I am going to make the bedding primarily pink/blue (depending on boy or girl) and grey. I found some really cool iron-on dumbo patches that I thought I could put on the bumper around the crib.

Here is a sneak peak at the drawings I have been working on. I am going to color them really nice. I will add pink or blue accents depending on boy or girl. I am also going to matte the pictures in really nice frames with alternating pink or blue and grey backgrounds. (Kind of like the picture below)

I am hoping to make a sign like this one with the Baby of Mine lullaby lyrics (in pink or blue, depending)

And I am buying this SUPER CUTE wall decal... I love it! I have a ton of other little items that I want to add such as light switch cover, throw pillow for rocking chair, pink/blue curtains, dumbo stuffed animal for dresser, pink/blue lamp, etc...


I am definitely doing a lot of D.I.Y. which is a lot of fun, and will save us a ton of money! Mainly I like to DIY because I like things to be exactly how I want them! lol