Tuesday, August 12, 2014


How far along? 11 Weeks

How big is the peanut? Baby is the size of a lime! 2 inches long and moving like crazy! Baby can stretch, somersault, and do forward rolls! Crazy to think that all of this is happening inside of me and I can not feel any of it!

Total weight gain/loss? Only a pound or so...

Maternity clothes? Same as before, none of my regular clothes fit properly especially after I eat. SUPER BLOATED. If I eat something salty... I am done. I had ONE piece of buffalo chicken pizza and felt so full that I couldn't eat another bite. It felt just like after a huge Thanksgiving dinner!

Sleep? Still sleepy quite often, but feeling a bit more energized then I have been

Best moment this week? I am not sure about the BEST, but a funny moment this week was when Kevin and I went to the beach... I tried on my strapless bikini top and oh boy... I was busting out! I tried my regular bikini top, and I was being squashed to death! I had to wear a triangle top bikini, It was the only thing I had that fits! Ha ha I didn't realize how much I had... uh... grown. 

Another funny moment this week was a conversation between me and Kevin. My emotions and hormones have been finally catching up to me a little bit. I have had a couple of "difficult" moments lately. Yesterday I was getting ready for work and EVERYTHING was going wrong. I spilled makeup on myself, my phone was dead, I had moth holes in my shirt, I couldn't find my belly band, etc... I began crying because, well, I was having a bit of an irrational breakdown. Kevin came in the room and said, "Well the good news is that this is almost over." I responded sarcastically with, "Yeah in another SEVEN MONTHS!" Then Kevin said, "No I mean you are about to leave the house!" I started laughing out loud! He meant that it was almost over for HIM because he was getting rid of me! lol What a butt head! But he did make me laugh!! 

Symptoms? I have had some serious headaches this week... no fun!

Food cravings? MEXICAN FOOD! yum! Chimichangas, flautas, quesadillas, tacos, really anything smothered in queso!! YUM! Also, I feel like my taste buds are heightened. Although I don't crave certain foods, whenever I am eating them they taste better then ever. For example, I was eating some gummy bears and could not stop thinking how delicious they were. I have never had a more delicious candy in my life! lol. Don't even get me started about the glazed doughnut that I had yesterday. lol

Food aversions? Changes from moment to moment Aversions have been MUCH better then before, and don't last long. For example, one minute the thought of a burger, or any kind of beef made me feel sick and then an hour later i was eating a beef taco and loving it! There is no logic whatsoever... pregnancy is weird... lol

Gender? I secretly think it is a girl... but then again I feel like it could be a boy... hmmm

What I miss? Nothing really right now...

What I am looking forward to? Hearing the heartbeat again next week :)

Milestones? Almost done with the first trimester, started having food cravings this week.


Another present from my mother in law. Ha ha starting 'em out young! Kevin loves it of course! Too cute...

1 comment:

  1. I know you feel bloated as a parrot on helium, but try to drink mucho mucho water. You will become very dehydrated very easily right now. Start getting a headache, drink 2 eight oz glasses of water and see if it helps. Next, try a cup of tea for the natural caffeine. Hopefully it will help.
