Thursday, May 14, 2015

10 Weeks

A week ago, Bryson had his tongue tie and lip tie revised. The procedure went good. They numbed his upper lip and cut that tie, then as he was crying, they snipped the tongue. The pain is similar to getting your ears pierced. It was quick and the recovery is minimal. Thank goodness they let me wait in the waiting room because my nerves couldn't take it! lol. When we came back to the room poor Bryson was covered in sweat and had tears streaming down his face! He got himself so worked up!! I gave him plenty of snuggles and he was asleep as soon as he got buckled into the car. He was extremely fussy and tired the rest of the day. By the next morning I had my happy boy back, as if nothing had even happened! Now he can lick an ice cream cone once he gets bigger! I am glad that is over with!

This week Kevin's dad and step mom came to visit. (Bryson's Papa and Memaw.) Bryson was loved on, snuggled, kissed, and played with every second he was awake! lol. We also celebrated my first Mother's day! When I got home from work Saturday night (technically Sunday morning, it was around 1am), Kevin surprised me with a mothers day balloon, flowers, chocolates, and a really sweet card. When we woke up for the day he made everyone a big breakfast. Sherry (Memaw) and I went and got a manicure and pedicure, Kevin bought me a necklace with Bryson's name on it, and that evening we all went out for a big seafood dinner. It was a wonderful day!! It was really hard for me to be away from my Mom. I wanted her to be with Bryson! It was nice to have such a fun filled day to keep me from feeling too sad! I am so blessed to be a Mama! I was really happy to celebrate it!

Bryson is more and more active every day. He smiles ALL the time and has even giggled a few times. He discovered his feet for the first time and spends a good amount of time staring at them lol. He loves to look at toys and swings his arms to bang his hands against them. He especially loves his sock monkey that Memaw named "Chunky". He holds in against his body and tries to put it into his mouth! lol He is constantly trying to shift his weight forward in an attempt to sit up. He gets bored looking at the same thing after a while, or sitting in the same position and will fuss briefly to let you know that he is ready to be moved. He is such a happy baby!

My first Mother's Day! Family photo :)

Kevin made a breakfast spread

My necklace from Kevin

Funny faces with Daddy

Woah... who is that baby?!?

3 generations of Wolz boys

He likes watching TV... or in this case a youtube video.

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