Tuesday, April 7, 2015

5 Weeks

Posting a day late... oops!

We had a big week! We celebrated baby's first holiday, Easter! (Unless you count St. Patricks Day) Nana mailed a big box of goodies for Bryson.... and some goodies for mommy and daddy too LOL! Kevin's cousin, Jo Leanne came to visit for a few days this week also. We went out to lunch on the beach and Bryson got to see the sand and ocean for the first time. (Just long enough for a photo.) 

Bryson is getting bigger and bigger every day! He already fits into half of his 3 month clothes! He has wanted to be held this week more often then normal. He falls asleep in my arms almost every time now :) I have finally figured out how to get him to sleep without tears (most of the time). I have learned his "sleepy signs." As soon as he begins acting sleepy, we sit in the rocking chair with him laying on my chest. I rock him and patt or bounce his butt as his eyelids get heavier and heavier. After about 5-10 minutes he is sound asleep! The only down side to this is that I have to keep him in that position for at least another 15 minutes or so, otherwise he will wake up as soon as I move him every time. I have to wait until he is in a deep sleep and then I can lay him in the swing. 

When I don't feel like sitting and bouncing a baby for 30 minutes, I will use the moby wrap the hold him to my chest. The movement of my walking substitutes for the swaying of the rocking chair. Gets him right to sleep!

He still sleeps like a champ at night! He wakes every 3 hours, nurses, has a diaper change, and then right back to sleep! I feel so lucky! We have even learned how to breastfeed with him laying parallel to my body next to me on the bed. This allows me to staying laying in a comfy position, making it easier for me to fall back to sleep when he is done. (He of course goes back to sleep in his bassinet, I don't allow him to sleep in the bed) 

He has had gas at night a few times which kept him up a bit. I am trying to pay attention to my diet to figure out which foods make him gassy to avoid them. So far I have found that when I eat broccoli he has an upset tummy :( Nothing too severe, just enough to make him stir a lot at night!

The other big development this week was that Bryson had his first bottle of breast milk. I will have to pump and have Kevin feed him from the bottle while I am at work. Kevin feed him a "practice" bottle to make sure that he will be able to take it okay. He did a great job! It was nice to see Kevin be able to feed him for the first time :)

Now for some pictures from this week! 

This was taken at exactly 1 month old 

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