How far along? 35 Weeks, and 35 days left to go!
How big is the peanut? BIG! Trust me...! Lol
Total weight gain/loss? 29-ish pounds
Maternity clothes? Yeah... I don't think I fit into one single pre-pregnancy outfit unless you count pj pants.
Sleep? I can't complain. I get random kicks, aches and pains, and of course I have to go to the restroom several times... but overall I sleep fine and wake up feeling rested!
Best moment this week? Getting the nursery put together and shopping :)
Symptoms? This whole pregnancy thing is getting rough... Something changed this week. I can't describe it, but I think that my body has reached a new "level." I told Kevin we need to get my maternity photos done asap because I am about at the end of my "glowing" phase! LOL We are going to do them tomorrow. I am very excited!
My stomach is no longer so cute and round like a basketball. Now it looks disformed 90% of the time! There are so many lumps and bumps from limbs poking out everywhere! This little boy is getting seriously crowded! His new favorite pass time is kicking me under my ribs!
Food cravings/aversions? None really. I have had a bit more of a sweet tooth then usual.
Gender? Boy
Labor signs? None. I have a mild aching like cramp that comes and goes. It feels almost like menstrual cramps. I get it at least twice a day, lasting for a minute of two and then it passes. I thought it could be braxton hicks, but my stomach (uterus) does not feel hard or as if it is tightening. I assume it is either my pelvis loosening (to prepare for birth), or he is just pushing his head in a way that causes it to hurt. I have read online that it is a normal complaint, so I am not worried.
Next week the doctor will be checking me for the first time to see if I am dilated at all. I don't put much faith in using these checks as an indicator of when he will come... but I am kind of curious to find out what is going on with my body!
Belly button in or out? Pretty much out... it is more non-existent (flat with the rest of my belly)
What I miss? Sleeping on my stomach.
What I'm looking forward to? My maternity photos! I am getting my hair styled and I have a new outfit. A friend is taking the photos for us for free! He is applying to art school (Ironically, The Kansas City Art Institute LOL) and is using the photos to help build his portfolio for his application.
Milestones? I made it to the 8th month mark. I am officially 8 months pregnant.
This week's bump photo is a selfie... I looked terrible in the one that Kevin took! I used this one instead... it is a picture I sent to my Mom asking her how she liked the outfit I am wearing for my photos tomorrow. So I guess you can consider this to be a sneak peak! lol (I have a cover up that I am wearing over the tank by the way)
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
34 Weeks
34 Weeks
This week Bryson is doing what he does best. Continuing to grow and fatten up! He is over five pounds now and could be anywhere from 18-20 inches long! His height and weight at this point could vary. He is still gaining approximately half a pound a week, but some babies are bigger or smaller then others, which is normal.
I have been feeling great this week. I feel like the luckiest person. I sleep perfectly, aches and pains and very minimal and only come and go, my biggest complaint is my impatience! I am so anxious to meet our little guy!! How can I wait six more weeks? My hormones are going crazy! Every time I see a baby, I just want to hold them! I have an overwhelming motherly instinct going on! I get teary-eyed watching every little clip of mama and baby!
I got a phone call from the doctor's office saying that my doctor will be gone another month! (personal emergency) I am going to try a new doctor in the same office. He has great reviews and recommendations. Hopefully, if I like him, I am going to be able to make him my new permanent doctor. I would rather have a doctor who is up to speed with my current info/wants/needs. It is a little scary to be switch this late, but the way I see it, I am the one doing all the work and the nurses are the main people I will be dealing with. The doctor just comes in at the end to catch the baby! lol As long as he is friendly, qualified, and is willing to support my wish for a natural birth, then I am sure it will be fine. I meet him tomorrow, so I will let you all know how it goes.
Yesterday was our baby shower! We had a lot of fun. We got a lot of little items that we needed. DIAPERS, wipes, nail clippers, baby-proofing items for the house, socks, a few cute outfits, some books, bibs, some creams and ointments, etc. It was great! These practical items are what we needed the most!
We are almost completely ready now! We got an amazing deal this week on a pack n play at target...

This week Bryson is doing what he does best. Continuing to grow and fatten up! He is over five pounds now and could be anywhere from 18-20 inches long! His height and weight at this point could vary. He is still gaining approximately half a pound a week, but some babies are bigger or smaller then others, which is normal.
This dress fits a little different then the last time I wore it!
12 Weeks vs. 34 Weeks
I got a phone call from the doctor's office saying that my doctor will be gone another month! (personal emergency) I am going to try a new doctor in the same office. He has great reviews and recommendations. Hopefully, if I like him, I am going to be able to make him my new permanent doctor. I would rather have a doctor who is up to speed with my current info/wants/needs. It is a little scary to be switch this late, but the way I see it, I am the one doing all the work and the nurses are the main people I will be dealing with. The doctor just comes in at the end to catch the baby! lol As long as he is friendly, qualified, and is willing to support my wish for a natural birth, then I am sure it will be fine. I meet him tomorrow, so I will let you all know how it goes.
Yesterday was our baby shower! We had a lot of fun. We got a lot of little items that we needed. DIAPERS, wipes, nail clippers, baby-proofing items for the house, socks, a few cute outfits, some books, bibs, some creams and ointments, etc. It was great! These practical items are what we needed the most!
We are almost completely ready now! We got an amazing deal this week on a pack n play at target...
This model is available online only at for $180 We found one in the store that had been an online return. It is not available in stores, so they stuck a clearance sticker on it for only $44 !! So excited!
This is the coolest diaper bag ever... lol Kevin found this Demarini backpack, normally used for baseball gear, to use as our diaper bag! It has pockets on the side for baseball bats (or BOTTLES), and a big zipper slot at the bottom for baseball cleats (diapers and wipes), a small personal compartment (Mom/Dad's keys, phone, wallet) Huge zipper pockets for helmet/gloves (Plenty of room for baby items) and the entire thing is water resistant. It is perfect! Easy to carry, and not too "girly" for Kevin!
The only things we have left to buy are-a boppy pillow and pillow cover, prince lionheart seat, stroller/carseat travel system, a pack of newborn mittens, moby wrap baby carrier, sheets for the pack n play, contouring bath sponge cushion, sleep sacks, backup changing pad cover, bottle brushes, gas relief drops, baby sunscreen.
Not too bad! I imagine we will be done and ready by the end of this week! Kevin's mom and dad are going in together to buy us a baby swing! I am super excited to get that! I just can't believe how big the list was and how we are finally almost done! I feel like super mama! Lol His nursery is almost finished, we are just waiting on one more item to arrive in the mail! Pictures coming soon!!
The hospital bag is packed and ready to go. I also got a FREE breast pump this week. My insurance covered 100% of the cost! Very exciting!
Here are some pictures from our shower yesterday...
Fire pit out back
This is the gift basket I made for the raffel drawing. Everyone brought a pack of diapers or wipes to enter the drawing.
26 Blocks. Everyone decorated one letter so that Bryson will have a full set of the alphabet.
It's a rain cloud... for the baby "shower" :)
This is the appetizer that I made!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
33 Weeks
How far along? 33 Weeks
How big is the peanut? Just over 4.5 pounds and gaining half a pound a week. He is around 17+ inches long.
Total weight gain/loss? Around 27 pounds total
Maternity Clothes? My maternity tank tops which used to be so long on me, barely cover my belly now! lol
Sleep? Sleeping great! I feel so lucky... I hope this continues the whole time!
Best moment this week? Being in our new home!
Symptoms? This week was tough for me. My anxiety returned again for a few days at the beginning of the week. I think it was mainly brought on from the stress of moving. Thank goodness I have been back to normal the last couple of days! Having anxiety is the worst symptom to have!
I have been having leg trouble the past 3-4 days. I woke up with some cramping and assumed I was just dehydrated (from moving). I have been drinking a ton of water but the same thing keeps happening each night!
I started having what I call "weakness" in my legs during the day. The best I can explain it is like my legs are shaky as if I just ran a marathon. It causes me to have the overwhelming urge to sit down when it happens. I don't feel as though I will loose balance or fall, but when I try to walk or stand it is difficult. I had to stop in the middle of Walmart and sit on a display the other day! It happened quite a bit at work the other night and I had to push through it because I was unable to sit. I wonder if that is causing the leg pain during the night?
The whole thing is strange. It comes and goes. I assume it is the baby/ my uterus pushing against nerves that extend into my legs.
Food cravings/aversions? I am craving rice pudding and Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies.
Gender? Boy
Labor signs? None. My doctor will be doing my first cervical check in 3 weeks
Belly button in or out? It is more out than it is in, and you can clearly see it through my shirt... so I say OUT
What I miss? Being able to sleep on my stomach.
What I'm looking forward to? Baby shower at the end of this week!!!
Milestones? Bryson is more easily recognizing day and night (he can see light/dark through the womb) and is now keeping his eyes open while awake, and closed while asleep. He has also formed his own immune system now to help him fight off germs after he is born.
How big is the peanut? Just over 4.5 pounds and gaining half a pound a week. He is around 17+ inches long.
Total weight gain/loss? Around 27 pounds total
Maternity Clothes? My maternity tank tops which used to be so long on me, barely cover my belly now! lol
Sleep? Sleeping great! I feel so lucky... I hope this continues the whole time!
Best moment this week? Being in our new home!
Symptoms? This week was tough for me. My anxiety returned again for a few days at the beginning of the week. I think it was mainly brought on from the stress of moving. Thank goodness I have been back to normal the last couple of days! Having anxiety is the worst symptom to have!
I have been having leg trouble the past 3-4 days. I woke up with some cramping and assumed I was just dehydrated (from moving). I have been drinking a ton of water but the same thing keeps happening each night!
I started having what I call "weakness" in my legs during the day. The best I can explain it is like my legs are shaky as if I just ran a marathon. It causes me to have the overwhelming urge to sit down when it happens. I don't feel as though I will loose balance or fall, but when I try to walk or stand it is difficult. I had to stop in the middle of Walmart and sit on a display the other day! It happened quite a bit at work the other night and I had to push through it because I was unable to sit. I wonder if that is causing the leg pain during the night?
The whole thing is strange. It comes and goes. I assume it is the baby/ my uterus pushing against nerves that extend into my legs.
Gender? Boy
Labor signs? None. My doctor will be doing my first cervical check in 3 weeks
Belly button in or out? It is more out than it is in, and you can clearly see it through my shirt... so I say OUT
(Don't mind the ugly mark from my belly button piercing!)
What I miss? Being able to sleep on my stomach.
What I'm looking forward to? Baby shower at the end of this week!!!
Milestones? Bryson is more easily recognizing day and night (he can see light/dark through the womb) and is now keeping his eyes open while awake, and closed while asleep. He has also formed his own immune system now to help him fight off germs after he is born.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
32 Weeks
32 Weeks! Only 8 weeks left!!
I started of this week with a wonderful surprise at work. A couple that I waited on left me an unbelievably generous tip! They left a $100 bill as a tip on a $25 tab with a note that said, "I hope this helps with any baby stuff you may need. God bless." It made me cry! I am amazed that a stranger would be so kind!
Here is a peak at our co-ed baby shower invitation! I can't wait!!
I started of this week with a wonderful surprise at work. A couple that I waited on left me an unbelievably generous tip! They left a $100 bill as a tip on a $25 tab with a note that said, "I hope this helps with any baby stuff you may need. God bless." It made me cry! I am amazed that a stranger would be so kind!
Here is a peak at our co-ed baby shower invitation! I can't wait!!
Today we had an interesting doctor's appointment. Our normal doctor was away on a personal emergency, so we had to see a different doctor. It was no big deal since this was just a basic check up. Turns out I did not like her at all! She was nice, however I felt like she wasn't giving me straight answers to my questions and shrugged off my concerns. She measured my fundal height (size of my uterus) and said I was measuring small! She said I needed an ultrasound to confirm his size and weight. I began to panic!
Luckily it was a slow day at the office and the ultrasound tech was able to get me in today. She took a bunch of measurements and told me that he is not small at all! I think that doctor is an idiot! She freaked me out for no reason! I am thankful my regular doctor will be back for my next appointment!
The ultrasound tech said that Bryson weighs 4 pounds and 2 ounces which is perfect! His heart rate was 154. He is head down, and not likely to flip from that position at this point. YAY! She said that she could see some HAIR on his little head! She also joked about how "chunky" his thighs are! He is measuring almost a week AHEAD by what she can tell! Of course an ultrasound is not 100 percent accurate, but this lady really seemed to know what she was doing. He is definitely still a boy, and not shy to show that off! LOL
We got a few ultrasound pictures, but to be honest they aren't very good. He is simply too big and squashed in there to get a good picture! We could see his chest rising and falling as he practiced "breathing" amniotic fluid. He has started getting hiccups like crazy this week! He has them 3 times a day, almost like clockwork.
We also had a hospital tour today. It went really well. The woman who spoke to us was a midwife. She was so nice and patient and answered all my questions! Kevin said all he needed to know was where to go, which he got figured out! LOL I feel really good about our decision to use this hospital. I know that they will be able to provide everything that I want!
We got moved in to our new house! Now comes the fun part... unpacking and getting settled! We have such amazing friends... we were so lucky to have so much help! The girls seem to be adjusting well and it has a real "homey" feel already! Our first day here, I saw kids riding their bikes, a little girl showing off her balloon, and a man jogging with a baby stroller. It seems like such a family friendly neighborhood! Hopefully we will have everything set up soon and I can share some pictures.
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