Tuesday, January 27, 2015

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks, and 35 days left to go!

How big is the peanut? BIG! Trust me...! Lol

Total weight gain/loss? 29-ish pounds

Maternity clothes? Yeah... I don't think I fit into one single pre-pregnancy outfit unless you count pj pants.

Sleep? I can't complain. I get random kicks, aches and pains, and of course I have to go to the restroom several times... but overall I sleep fine and wake up feeling rested!

Best moment this week? Getting the nursery put together and shopping :)

Symptoms? This whole pregnancy thing is getting rough... Something changed this week. I can't describe it, but I think that my body has reached a new "level." I told Kevin we need to get my maternity photos done asap because I am about at the end of my "glowing" phase! LOL We are going to do them tomorrow. I am very excited!

My stomach is no longer so cute and round like a basketball. Now it looks disformed 90% of the time! There are so many lumps and bumps from limbs poking out everywhere! This little boy is getting seriously crowded! His new favorite pass time is kicking me under my ribs!

Food cravings/aversions? None really. I have had a bit more of a sweet tooth then usual.

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? None. I have a mild aching like cramp that comes and goes. It feels almost like menstrual cramps. I get it at least twice a day, lasting for a minute of two and then it passes. I thought it could be braxton hicks, but my stomach (uterus) does not feel hard or as if it is tightening. I assume it is either my pelvis loosening (to prepare for birth), or he is just pushing his head in a way that causes it to hurt. I have read online that it is a normal complaint, so I am not worried.

Next week the doctor will be checking me for the first time to see if I am dilated at all. I don't put much faith in using these checks as an indicator of when he will come... but I am kind of curious to find out what is going on with my body!

Belly button in or out? Pretty much out... it is more non-existent (flat with the rest of my belly)

What I miss? Sleeping on my stomach.

What I'm looking forward to? My maternity photos! I am getting my hair styled and I have a new outfit. A friend is taking the photos for us for free! He is applying to art school (Ironically, The Kansas City Art Institute LOL) and is using the photos to help build his portfolio for his application.

Milestones? I made it to the 8th month mark. I am officially 8 months pregnant.

This week's bump photo is a selfie... I looked terrible in the one that Kevin took! I used this one instead... it is a picture I sent to my Mom asking her how she liked the outfit I am wearing for my photos tomorrow. So I guess you can consider this to be a sneak peak! lol (I have a cover up that I am wearing over the tank by the way)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are feeling well Jess. You look amazing. Baby Bryson will be here before you know it. Big hugs !
