Tuesday, January 6, 2015

32 Weeks

32 Weeks! Only 8 weeks left!!

I started of this week with a wonderful surprise at work. A couple that I waited on left me an unbelievably generous tip! They left a $100 bill as a tip on a $25 tab with a note that said, "I hope this helps with any baby stuff you may need. God bless." It made me cry! I am amazed that a stranger would be so kind!

Here is a peak at our co-ed baby shower invitation! I can't wait!!

Today we had an interesting doctor's appointment. Our normal doctor was away on a personal emergency, so we had to see a different doctor. It was no big deal since this was just a basic check up. Turns out I did not like her at all! She was nice, however I felt like she wasn't giving me straight answers to my questions and shrugged off my concerns. She measured my fundal height (size of my uterus) and said I was measuring small! She said I needed an ultrasound to confirm his size and weight. I began to panic!

Luckily it was a slow day at the office and the ultrasound tech was able to get me in today. She took a bunch of measurements and told me that he is not small at all! I think that doctor is an idiot! She freaked me out for no reason! I am thankful my regular doctor will be back for my next appointment! 

The ultrasound tech said that Bryson weighs 4 pounds and 2 ounces which is perfect! His heart rate was 154. He is head down, and not likely to flip from that position at this point. YAY! She said that she could see some HAIR on his little head! She also joked about how "chunky" his thighs are! He is measuring almost a week AHEAD by what she can tell! Of course an ultrasound is not 100 percent accurate, but this lady really seemed to know what she was doing. He is definitely still a boy, and not shy to show that off! LOL

We got a few ultrasound pictures, but to be honest they aren't very good. He is simply too big and squashed in there to get a good picture! We could see his chest rising and falling as he practiced "breathing" amniotic fluid. He has started getting hiccups like crazy this week! He has them 3 times a day, almost like clockwork.

We also had a hospital tour today. It went really well. The woman who spoke to us was a midwife. She was so nice and patient and answered all my questions! Kevin said all he needed to know was where to go, which he got figured out! LOL I feel really good about our decision to use this hospital. I know that they will be able to provide everything that I want!

We got moved in to our new house! Now comes the fun part... unpacking and getting settled! We have such amazing friends... we were so lucky to have so much help! The girls seem to be adjusting well and it has a real "homey" feel already! Our first day here, I saw kids riding their bikes, a little girl showing off her balloon, and a man jogging with a baby stroller. It seems like such a family friendly neighborhood! Hopefully we will have everything set up soon and I can share some pictures. 


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