Tuesday, January 13, 2015

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 Weeks

How big is the peanut? Just over 4.5 pounds and gaining half a pound a week. He is around 17+ inches long.

Total weight gain/loss? Around 27 pounds total

Maternity Clothes? My maternity tank tops which used to be so long on me, barely cover my belly now! lol

Sleep? Sleeping great! I feel so lucky... I hope this continues the whole time!

Best moment this week? Being in our new home!

Symptoms? This week was tough for me. My anxiety returned again for a few days at the beginning of the week. I think it was mainly brought on from the stress of moving. Thank goodness I have been back to normal the last couple of days! Having anxiety is the worst symptom to have!

I have been having leg trouble the past 3-4 days. I woke up with some cramping and assumed I was just dehydrated (from moving). I have been drinking a ton of water but the same thing keeps happening each night!

I started having what I call "weakness" in my legs during the day. The best I can explain it is like my legs are shaky as if I just ran a marathon. It causes me to have the overwhelming urge to sit down when it happens. I don't feel as though I will loose balance or fall, but when I try to walk or stand it is difficult. I had to stop in the middle of Walmart and sit on a display the other day! It happened quite a bit at work the other night and I had to push through it because I was unable to sit. I wonder if that is causing the leg pain during the night?

The whole thing is strange. It comes and goes. I assume it is the baby/ my uterus pushing against nerves that extend into my legs.

Food cravings/aversions? I am craving rice pudding and Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies.

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? None. My doctor will be doing my first cervical check in 3 weeks

Belly button in or out? It is more out than it is in, and you can clearly see it through my shirt... so I say OUT

(Don't mind the ugly mark from my belly button piercing!) 

What I miss? Being able to sleep on my stomach.

What I'm looking forward to? Baby shower at the end of this week!!!

Milestones? Bryson is more easily recognizing day and night (he can see light/dark through the womb) and is now keeping his eyes open while awake, and closed while asleep. He has also formed his own immune system now to help him fight off germs after he is born.


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