Tuesday, February 10, 2015

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 Weeks

I went to the doctor this morning and found out that I tested negative for the group b strep test. Yay. One less thing to worry about. He did another internal exam and it looks like I have not progressed this week. I am still 1 cm dilated and my cervix is still toward the back. Doctor said that he would expect me to be pregnant for another week or two, but "anything could happen."

He did say that Bryson is really low. He said that "often indicates an easier labor." YAY! :) He appears to be healthy with a good heart rate. It is just a waiting game at this point!

How big is the peanut? Baby is the size of a watermelon now! YIKES!

Total weight gain/loss? 36 pounds total

Maternity clothes? Yes... looking forward to getting my body back and being able to wear pants that actually fit at the waist! LOL

Sleep? Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night feeling uncomfortable and I want to turn over to my opposite side. Then I seriously debate whether or not it is worth it because as soon as I flip over I have to pee. Every single time. Seriously... Am I uncomfortable enough to want to get up out of bed? LOL It is a real struggle!

Other then that, I wake up occasionally with aches, pains, or cramps but overall I can't complain.

Best moment this week? Kevin's birthday. We had a wonderful day. I got us donuts for breakfast, we spent the day at the beach, and had a wonderful steak dinner at our friend's home followed by cheesecake dessert and a bon fire in their back yard. It was a great, relaxing day!

Symptoms? Since he has dropped, I keep feeling a ton of pressure super low on my cervix. Sometimes I swear he is going to push himself right out! It often results in shooting nerve pain through my groin and legs. It is quite shocking and uncomfortable! Nerve pain is the worst because it is like a sharp stabbing pain. I try to remember each time that it just means I am getting close to meeting my baby boy! It does become difficult when I am at work, but I am only working for about another week before I start my maternity leave so I know I will make it!

Food cravings/aversions? Not sure it is a craving... but I have really started to enjoy drinking herbal teas. Kevin and I have made it part of our nighttime routine. He has a "sleepytime" herbal tea and I am drinking pregnancy teas. They contain red raspberry leaves and other natural herbs that are supposed to help strengthen the womb and help with labor.

Gender? Little man!

Labor signs? I have so many different types of aches and pains, I am not sure what is a braxton hicks and what is not. None of them feel like what I would imagine a contraction to feel like.

Belly button in or out? Out

What I miss? Not having to use the restroom every single time I stand up!

What I'm looking forward to? Meeting Bryson! It feels so close now! We have everything ready to go. I can't hardly wait!!

Milestones? Baby is considered to be "term" now (He is "full term" at 39 weeks). This means if he were born today, he would not be considered premature!


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