Tuesday, July 8, 2014


How far along? SIX WEEKS!

How big is the peanut? The size of a sweet pea! Baby is .25 inches and will double in size again next week. Baby is pumping his/her own blood and developing nose, ears, eyes, chin and cheeks. Baby is already beginning to move his/her hands and feet!

Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I have used a drawstring to expand the waist of my pants to help be more comfortable with the bloating. I also loosened my belt a notch.

Sleep? I am sleeping fine, still waking up to use the restroom every night. I am also tired ALL THE TIME! I find my self trying to take naps whenever I can.

Best moment this week? Every moment has been special. It is so exciting to think about the nursery, how we plan to parent this little one, watching Kevin figuring up a budget plan... it is all so wonderful! One of my favorite things is to get a text or note from Kevin asking "how is my baby doing...? (Usually a nickname for me) and how are you too?" lol

Symptoms? I am tired all the time this week. My eyes burn from the time when I first wake up! Everyday at work people ask me "are you okay? you look exhausted?" at least 2 or 3 times a shift! I am smiling and acting normal, however I guess I must look pale from the extra blood flow so people worry something is wrong! I also have waves of nausea throughout the day that typically last about 30-45 minutes. REALLY sucks when it happens to me at work. Crackers are my best friend right now!! Breast tenderness is constant, but so far not a whole lot of moodiness. Despite feeling like a nauseated blimp most of the time, I am so blissfully happy all the time! :)

Food Cravings? None yet

Food Aversions? Changes from moment to moment. Typically anything cheesy, or fried, of full of sugar/fat looks terrible to me. I begin to think about the excess bloating and the thought of eating it truly makes me nauseous. I have been eating small bits of fruits, veggies, grilled chicken, rice, turkey burgers, salad, etc. I did have one day where I was ate pizza, a slice of cake, AND and fried chicken wrap in the same day! Honestly I hope I continue to feel the desire to eat healthy... it is a pretty good craving to have!

What I miss? Feeling "normal" ...but it is worth it. It is frustrating to not have your typical sensations for hunger, tiredness, etc. I feel confused about what my body is doing/ feeling 98% of the time! lol I know that I will adjust and get used to it somewhat. This is a huge change!

What I am most looking forward to? The doctors visit! How am I ever going to wait 2 weeks!! I just want to hear him say that the baby is healthy. I am still convinced that it is twins even though there is only a 1 in 89 chance of that happening... so anxious to see if I am right! I can not wait to tell everyone! Sometimes I worry I am going to be too sick at work that I will have to spill the beans! Just have to make it through 10 more shifts......!!

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