Monday, November 10, 2014

24 Weeks

How far along? 24 Weeks!

How big is the peanut? He is 12 inches long and weighs around 1 1/3 pounds. About the size of a cantaloupe! He is working on fattening up! He is supposed to gain about 6 ounces a week and will double in size over the next 3-4 weeks!

To put that in perspective... He weighed only 9 ounces a few weeks ago when we found out that he is a boy, and now he is gaining 6 ounces per week! Crazy to think how he is getting so big now! I assume that means I will be getting bigger in the next few weeks too! Bring it on!

Total weight gain/loss? I have gained around 15 pounds so far and I am feeling it! Things are starting to get a little bit more difficult! lol

Maternity clothes? All maternity now. I had to go through my closet and figure out which clothes will actually fit and put the others away for the next few months! For my birthday dinner i tried on a dress that is normally way too big on me and I couldn't even zip it up!

Sleep? Still sleeping pretty well. Can't complain too much about that yet!

Best moment this week? My birthday! We went out with friends for an early birthday dinner. We had hibachi at a Japanese steak house (yum!) and then went out afterwards to play pool and darts. It was a lot of fun! Everyone brought me a children's book as a birthday gift which was awesome. I am so excited to build a library of books to read to our little guy! It really warms my heart to think about reading him bedtime stories at night. So far I have several good classics: Where the Wild Things Are, The Rainbow Fish, The Hungry Caterpillar, Dr. Seuss Oh the Places You'll Go, Curious George... etc. So exciting!

Symptoms? Headaches as always, swollen feet, extra weight making it hard to get up/down and bend over.

Food cravings/aversions? None. I guess I have kind of been on a Sonic Slushy kick. They are yummy!

Gender? Baby Boy

Labor signs? Nope. I could start getting mild braxton hicks soon, but none so far.

Belly button in or out? Still barely poking out at the top for now.

What I miss? Egg nog! They are starting to carry it in stores now and it looks SO GOOD! Unfortunately, I can't have it because it contains raw egg. It has always been one of my favorite parts of the holiday!

What i'm looking forward to? Spending this next week with family in Missouri. We are actually traveling home now! We are going to spend some time in Jefferson City and in Kansas City to see friends and family. We will have an ultrasound while there, an early Thanksgiving dinner (since Kevin has to work on Thanksgiving day), and go to a Kansas City Chiefs game. I am super excited to spend time with everyone!

Milestones? I turned 26 years old... lol


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