Tuesday, November 18, 2014

25 Weeks

At 25 Weeks Bryson is about 13 1/2 inches long and weighs about 1 1/2 pounds. He is growing more hair, which if you could see it, you could discern it's color and texture. His nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are starting to open this week. He will be practicing taking breaths by "breathing" amniotic fluid. Blood vessels are continuing to form in his lungs and under his skin- which helps his skin appear pinker.

My uterus has now reached the size of a soccer ball! I have gained about 18 pounds. Apparently that is 1 pound more then where I should be, but I am not concerned at all. It might have something to do with the Thanksgiving dinner, tailgating goodies, and going out to eat with family all week. LOL

This week Has been pretty easy. No severe headaches and no trouble sleeping. I have had a little bit of an achy back and struggled more then usual with everyday activities, but nothing major. Bryson is very active. He kicks and flips several times throughout the day. I have begun to notice some pattern to his movement, although it is mostly random and sporadic. He tends to move more when I suddenly go from upright to laying down, or 20-30 minutes after I eat.

We spent this entire week in Missouri. We had so much fun on our trip and Bryson got a lot of goodies! I miss my family so much already! It's hard to believe that I will see them again in only a few months when he is born. Time is going by so fast!

He has so many clothes now. YAY! These are from Nana, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Anthony, Kevin's Cousin Oliver and his wife Jennifer, and of course I had to buy several items myself. Lol I Can't stop buying footie onsies! Too CUTE!

Kevin's cousin's wife, Jennifer, (Whew that was a mouth full! Cousin-in-law?) does embroidery. She made this ADORABLE bath robe with our last name!

Nana, (Kevin's mom) picked this one out! HAHA

I mean how much cuter does it get then little matching top/pant outfits?? I LOVE THESE!

My obsession with monsters continues... this one has a monster on the butt! Haha! Thanks Nana!

I can't wait to try them all on our little man!

Bump this week...

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