Tuesday, March 3, 2015

40 Weeks

40 Weeks... I can't believe it!

Today's doctor's appointment went pretty good. I have finally made some progress! I am a full centimeter dilated (not just putting it generously... lol) and I am now 75% effaced! My doctor said to go ahead and schedule an appointment for next week, but he feels confident that I will be having a baby within the next 7 days. I am trying not to get my hopes up about what he says since he was wrong last time!

We had a quick ultrasound to confirm the baby's position. He is head down, as we have already known for a while and ready to go! The estimated his weight to be 8 lbs 3 oz! Of course he is so big and cramped in there now that it is hard to get good measurements to know exactly. He is measuring 40 weeks +6 days... almost an entire week ahead. This has been the case most of the pregnancy.

We got a glimpse at his face and the ultrasound tech commented on how he has "chubby cheeks." The doctor asked for a measurement of the abdomen, at which he commented, "yes that is a solid baby" LOL. At our 32 week ultrasound they said he had "chunky thighs." Apparently our little guy is not so little!! I am just glad to see that he is healthy!

Honestly, I feel like he is going to come very soon now. There have been a few signs that make me think it will be soon. Yesterday I lost a tiny bit of my mucus plug. Last night, and all day today I have had cramping. It comes and goes, and seems to be worse anytime I move/change positions.

When the doctor was checking my cervix today he pushed harder then he normally does so that he could confirm that the baby was head down. As he was pushing, I felt the exact same cramping pain that I have been experiencing for weeks. My best guess is that the cramping= my cervix dilating. If that is true, which I really believe it is, then I have been slowly dilating all day, getting me closer to active labor!

Of course, there is no way to know for sure. All that I know is that my body feels "different" then normal. I can tell that it is preparing for birth. I don't know if it will take hours, days or weeks...! If I am still pregnant next week, we will have to induce. No exact date has been set. We will choose a date at my next appointment no later then March 13th.

This could easily be my last pregnancy update! I will of course keep everyone updated here on the blog when he is born. I plan to share his birth story, along with plenty of pictures! Hopefully soon!


9 Weeks vs. 40 Weeks

1 comment:

  1. You are a beautiful, strong lady. You are going to be such an amazing Mom. We will be keeping our thoughts on you and a positive and healthy delivery. All our love to you three my friend. We cannot wait for Mr B to arrive!!!
