Tuesday, September 9, 2014

15 Weeks

Baby is the size of a navel orange this week. Measuring at 4 inches and his/her proportions are becoming more normal. Baby's legs are now longer then their arms. Baby is moving like crazy. All of his/her joints and limbs can move completely. (Still haven't been able to feel it yet)

Not much to say this week. The only symptom I am still having this week is headaches. EVERY SINGLE DAY! I am hoping that this will pass soon!

This week started football season! It is actually really nice to have a distraction. Something to keep my mind off the pregnancy. I am playing fantasy football for the first time this year which has already been so much fun. Hopefully keeping busy with other things will help time go by faster. It feels like it will take forever until my 20 week appointment! (Gender reveal)

We have another doctor's appointment next week. I assume it will be a lot like our 12 week appointment, pee in a cup, get to hear the heartbeat, get weighed, and send me on my way. It is always nice to hear the heartbeat. Just a little check up that everything is still okay in there! I am looking forward to it.

Look what we got in the mail today!...

A digital baby video monitor! I am so excited!! Nana (my mother in law) sent it to us! This is something that I REALLY wanted but would not have bought for myself. If we hadn't received it as a gift, we would have saved the money and bought the old fashioned sound only kind. I didn't expect to receive such a nice gift! These monitors are not cheap! I am so excited to have it. I know we will use it all the time to determine whether our little one is just being fussy or if there is actually something wrong (like a limb between the bars of the crib) This thing has a 5 inch color flat screen, rechargeable battery, digital zoom, sound activated LED lights, and night vision. Okay... maybe I am a little OVERLY excited lol!

Latest belly picture-

1 comment:

  1. You are seriously going to love the video monitor!! By far one of my favorite purchases and we haven't even really used it yet since Em is sleeping in our room. :)
