Tuesday, September 30, 2014

18 Weeks

How far along? 18 weeks

How big is the peanut? Baby is 5 1/2 inches from head to rump and weighs about 7 ounces The size of a sweet potato or bell pepper. This week baby can start to hear from inside the womb. Baby can hear my heartbeat and my voice! Hearing will eventually get better and baby will be able to hear noise outside of my belly as well.

Total weight gain/loss? 7-8 pounds! yikes! I don't know where it is all at! I guess between baby, placenta, fluid, extra blood flow, etc it makes sense. It is just strange because I don't look 8 lbs heavier! Apparently my weight gain is right on track with where I am supposed to be.

Maternity clothes? I am still wearing the belly band but it is getting to be more and more uncomfortable. I imagine a shopping trip will be coming up soon.

Sleep? So far so good. Some aches and pains at night give me a glimpse about what is to come though!

Best moment this week? Feeling baby moving! I did not feel "flutters" like everyone said I would but I definitely felt baby. The "lump" sticking out to one side that I described last week keeps happening! I can feel when it happens because I feel my uterus and skin stretching to the one side. (it feels like someone's hand resting on your belly and then they slowly start to apply pressure to one spot, except the pressure is coming from the inside!)

The baby pushes its whole body to one side (almost always the left) and I can see it through my belly. My entire stomach looks lopsided! Kevin has finally been able to see it as well. When I touch the side where baby is pushing up against it is firm to the touch. If I leave my hand resting on the area I can feel some occasional squirming. It is not like a kick. It feels like the baby is turning completely over trying to get comfortable. Then before I know it the "lump" goes away and I can't feel the baby when it is settled back to the middle of my body.

Symptoms? HEADACHES! For a while I thought that maybe they were getting better, but now it is back in full swing! I wake up with a headache and go to bed with a headache. I have to take tylenol 3 times a day to stay pain free (which I am not comfortable doing) so most of the time I just suffer through it. I have been drinking water like crazy, using ice packs, heating pads, massaging my neck, ANYTHING I can think of and nothing really helps! I am going to talk to my doctor about checking my hormone levels to make sure it is not an imbalance or something serious. I just hope it gets better soon!

Food cravings? Nothing special. Just really loving food!

Food aversions? None. I try to avoid foods that are super salty because I bloat like crazy. My body has become a salt detector. Seriously, if I eat a food I can tell you whether or not it has a high salt content. The other day I had a chick-fil-a sandwich and I blew up like a balloon! I looked it up online and sure enough that sandwich has 1390 mg of sodium! Before pregnancy I would have thought it tasted good but would have no idea that it had any more salt then a wendy's chicken sandwich (620 mg of sodium)

Don't get me wrong, I am craving salty foods just as much as any other but it usually isn't worth the bloating miserable feeling afterwords!

Gender? ONE MORE WEEK!!!!! I will return to the blog next week with ultrasound pictures and the big gender reveal! I really hope baby decides to cooperate and let us take a peak!

Labor signs? No way

Belly button in or out? Believe it or not it has already begun to stretch a little! I feel dumb saying this, but before pregnancy I always thought of the belly button kind of like a turkey thermometer lol. I thought the belly stretched as far as it could and then the belly button kind of popped out at the end when there was just no more room left! I didn't realize that it was a gradual process of slowly growing out! I guess I never gave it much thought before!

I had my belly button pierced (which I removed at 13 weeks) and typically the top hole of my piercing would be visible and the bottom hole where the ring comes through was not visible. It was on the inside of my belly button. Now you can see both top and bottom hole because my belly has already been stretching changing my belly button! No one except for me would recognize the change, but I know my own body and notice the subtle differences.

What I miss? Nothing right now

What I'm looking forward to? The anatomy scan next week!!!

Milestones? Nearing the halfway mark and my body is really starting to make some big changes finally.


1 comment:

  1. You look amazing Jess! You can definitely tell you have a baby bump. No mistaking your tummy for a beer belly. So sorry you are still plagued with headaches. Just know you are doing everything right. Keep in touch with your doc, and an eye on your blood pressure. Take care hon. Cannot wait to see your peanut's pumpkin!!!!!!
