Monday, December 15, 2014

29 Weeks

At 29 Weeks Bryson is about 2.5 pounds and around 16 inches long. Up until now he has developed "brown fat" which is used for temperature regulation. Now he is starting to get "white fat" (the kind you and I have) which serves as an energy source. He is nearing his birth length already, so he is mostly just plumping up from here on out!  He will now gain about 1/2 a pound per week for the next 8 weeks! I can't believe his due date is only 11 WEEKS away! That is 75 days until I am a mommy! WOW

This week his head is growing to fit his developing brain. (Completely proportionate to his body for the first time) I read online that it is really important for me to have calcium this week for bone growth in his skull and also the development of his permanent teeth in his gums! 

This is a video of Bryson moving and kicking through my belly! He looks like the his doing flips in there!!

Luckily I have not been very hormonal during this pregnancy, because this week I have started getting some rude and annoying comments from people!

The other day I was waiting on a table at work and as I was walking away one of the guys at the table mumbled to his friends, "God she is FAT!" Right at that moment, my loud mouthed coworker snapped around and said "No you A**hole, She is PREGNANT!" The guy's girlfriend smacked him out of embarrassment. I know that he was just an idiot, but I am sad to say it did hurt my feelings a little bit! Clearly all my weight is in my belly!! I wish I could have told him that in a few months I wont be fat anymore, but he will still be an idiot!!

I have also had many people make comments about my size. I know they don't mean to be negative but I keep hearing comments like, "Oh you still have 2 1/2 months left? Wow, that is going to be a BIG baby!" My baby is not going to be bigger then normal! I wish people would stop trying to scare/worry me! My body and development is completely normal and on track for where it should be!! 

Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant! I am trying not to worry about what people say! Other people's negativity belongs only to them. That which you dwell on most will surely come to pass... so I am dwelling on only positive! I love my pregnant body. This may be the only/ one of the only times I will ever have the experience to being pregnant in my life! This is something I will remember and cherish forever so I  am trying to enjoy it and not rush through this beautiful life experience!

I have been feeling pretty good as usual. My back aches a little, restless legs, and heartburn occasionally but no big deal. My only concern right now is that I have lost 2-3 pounds this week! I have steadily gained weight until now so this seems strange. I assume Bryson is just using up more nutrients then normal to pack on his weight. Maybe I just need to eat more! I will keep an eye on it for the next week and see what the doctor says at my next appointment.

During my first trimester, if I became hungry I HAD to eat right then and there. If I did not eat when hungry I would feel sick. This symptom seems to be returning now in the third trimester!. I go from completely normal to being on the brink of death from starvation in a matter of minutes! LOL I read this hilarious description in a blog the other day...

"Let me tell you something, people. A starving pregnant woman is like a prison inmate with nothing to lose. Her desperation could lift a semi-truck off a trapped cheese-steak sandwich... I could never comprehend the manic frenzy. It’s like being possessed by Cookie Monster, if Cookie Monster also had a violent criminal history. My point is, if she’s hungry - don’t make her wait. Whatever you do, save yourself and throw her the nearest bread basket immediately."



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