Tuesday, December 2, 2014


How far along? 27 Weeks... I am officially starting my third trimester! WOW this is going FAST

How big is the peanut? Just over 2 pounds and 14.5 inches long - This is double his weight 4 weeks ago. He will more then double in weight AGAIN in the next 6 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss? 19-20 pounds... All in my belly thank goodness! According to what I have read, this is the time when most women begin to experience swelling in their hands and feet. I have already had to buy new shoes because my feet have grown.

Sleep? The only way that I can sleep is on my left side, with my body pillow. If I fall asleep on my right I wake up after an hour feeling uncomfortable or with a leg cramp.

Best moment this week? Thanksgiving! We celebrated with family early, so for Thanksgiving we had some friends over to the house and I cooked a dinner for everyone. It turned out great. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed some sparkling cider instead of wine this year. Yum!

I also had fun this week with shopping! I got my Hypnobabies set yesterday which was super exciting! I also got some great Cyber Monday deals!

I got this Fisher Price Bouncer Seat for 45% off. Super soft and cute in style "snugabunny." It plays music and nature sounds with a gentle vibration. (I also registered for the matching swing which is SUPER cool)-
I also got this Graco Bumper Jumper for 40% off. It hangs from the door way and allows our little guy to use his feet to kick the floor and bounce himself around. How perfect is this for an active little boy! He should be able to use it as early as a few months old.- 

Symptoms? Just some achyness... nothing too bad. I was super uncomfortable sitting or standing all day yesterday. The only way I could get comfy was to lay down. I even had Kevin bring the mattress from the guest bed onto the living room floor so I could lounge and watch TV. Lol. Sometimes I have days like that. I call it a "growth spurt day" when everything is stretching. 

Food cravings/aversions? I have been loving apple slices (specifically golden delicious) dipped in creamy peanut butter!

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? No Braxton Hicks yet.

Belly button in or out? Partially sticking out. When I cough it goes almost completely out. Lol

What I miss? Coffee

What I'm looking forward to? Planning my baby shower. My friend Colleen is throwing it for me. We are planning to have it right after the New Year.

Milestones? This week I felt hiccups for the first time! It has happened a few times now. I am also able to see him moving through my belly more then ever. When he kicks my belly bounces and jiggles, often moving across my stomach. Kevin can see it too. 

There have been two times when he kicked strong enough that I could see an entire appendage sticking out! It looked like a golf ball sticking out of my belly! I just love to stare and my belly and watch him move. I know his movements will only get more intense.

I have a doctor's appointment next week. I haven't heard back about the glucose test so I will assume that is a good sign. I am sure my doctor will let me know for sure at my appointment. I have been going to see him every four weeks but from now on I will start going for a check up every 2 weeks. (Bi-weekly for weeks 28-36, then I have to go weekly until he is born.)


Just for fun, here is a comparison of the first day of my 2nd Trimester vs. the first day of my 3rd Trimester-

Oh Baby! He is really growing! I remember feeling so big in that picture! LOL (13 Weeks)

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